Physical School ( 9 AM to 12 Noon )
The Early Years are the most impressionable years of a child’s life. They create indelible memories and lay the foundation for the future.
The pedagogies and strategies that we use in the early years will build the edifice of holistic education that we aim to impart as the child embarks on the journey of education.
We believe that each child is different and in BVM we offer every child a unique learning experience - a gift that will stay with them for life.
We involve children in observation, questioning and discussion in an open classroom environment for a free flow learning atmosphere.
3 - 4 Years
With imagination in full gear, the two & a half to three & a half year olds are entering into a period of pretend play, explore, touch & mimic their peers. Becomes curious - Loves to ask questions!. Able to recognize and express feelings.
4 - 5 Years
Being naturally inquisitive, the butterflies are eager to express new ideas. The First true friendship begin to develop as social skills improve. Your three & a half to four & half year old will begin to exercise problem-solving skills, get the most out of the imaginative play and are able to meet new physical challenges.
5 - 6 Years
Making friends, forming ideas, following rules, doing tasks independently, eager to learn new things & enthusiastic about making new friends, it’s all coming together now, just in time for Grade One!. Atheletic abilities start blossoming. Imagination reaches new levels, leading to creativity and good problem solving skills. The four & a half year old kids are paving their way to be life long learners with a “can-do” approach to life.
We adopt the IBL (Inquiry Based Learning) kindles the process of concept understanding.
In an Inquiry Based Learning, The teacher
AR (Augmented Reality) based learning uses specially designed digital content for giving children an enriching learning experience.
We plan day to day activities based on your child's individual needs & interests.
We nurture Life skills through fun and exciting activities.
We provide ample opportunities for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
We engage children in variety of activities like music, dance, drama and art projects.
Igniting a child’s curiosity & imagination through music, dance & drama paves the way for a smooth transitions in life.Every BVM child thus embarks on an experiential learning.
Helps the child become aware of the self and recognize his/her strengths and weakness.
Enhances their abiility to converse in small and large groups as well as “Express” more effectively.
Fosters relationships with peers, seniors and teachers.
Attempts to try things without hesitation.
Manages activities with care and purposefulness.
Note: Child's Date of Birth
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