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Spell Bee October 7th, 2017

Spell Bee October 7th, 2017

Spelling plays a significant role in the impressive and refined language. With the development in the  field of technology, it is sad to note the fading importance given to spellings in the realm of Social and Virtual scenario. Students and adults are correspondingly prone to use incorrect spellings on the daily basis. It was heart-rending to know the status of spelling among the students while conducting the Preliminary Round for Spell Bee Contest to be held by Lady’s Club, SevaSangam on 7th October, 2017


This overview towards the declining sense of spellings among the students has brought in the pioneering segment into our classrooms named: Word Corner. We hope and believe to bring in improvements in the way the students spell the words; and entrust the responsibilities to hold future Spell Bee Contest in the School to Eight Contestants participated in SevaSangam Spell Bee Contest.

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