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Exploration to Inspiration

Exploration to Inspiration

With immense joy and splendid pride we share the credible winning of one of our School students in ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) Poster Contest held in September, 2017. Akshitha Chelladurai of Class 4 has brought the grandeur and boundless esteem to the entire BVM Global Community.  The posters were submitted in the month of September over the ISRO Website, for the preliminary selection round. Akshitha stands tall among the three shortlisted to represent India in the APRSAF-24 Poster Contest to be held in Bengaluru during November 14-17, 2017.


Our best wishes and benefactions are always with her. It will be a remarkable moment to witness her poster displayed with the posters of the students from other countries participating in APRSAF-24 poster contest at the venue of the 24th Session Conference of Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF-24) in Bengaluru, hosted by ISRO, JAXA & MEXT in the month of  November, 2017.  

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