News & Events

Young Explorers Carnival –9th December,

Young Explorers Carnival –9th December, 2017

Education is about far more than what happens within the four walls of the classroom and we are very fortunate to have such management, teachers, trainers and instructors who recognise this. If the building and teachers are the two resources available to the school, then certainly, the students are the third. Really, one of the joys of teaching is to draw that creative, academic, sporting potential out of the students. And it had been an all time success in our Campus!


On 9th December, 2017 we organized Young Explorers Fest in our BVM Global @Trichy Campus for the little ones in the age group of 3 to5. The overpouring responses and participations from the Schools in the Trichy City for the Kindergarten kids has proved that it is far more effective and engaging  when learning is combined with hands on activities, emotions, and experiences. Participating kids did not only have a unique moment of involvement and obligation but also had the sense of pride while going away with a memento of YEC, 2017.

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