News & Events

6th Inter BVM Sports Carnival

6th Inter BVM Sports Carnival

BVM Group of Schools use a variety of different Events and Celebrations that are relevant for their students and link with the outcomes of their Academic and Non- Academic Educational Programs. One such among those is Sports Carnival. This activity includes the participants from Classes 6 to 9 & 11.

This year, it was our turn  - BVM Global@Trichy – to host the Sixth Inter BVM Global Group of Schools Sports Carnival at Anna Stadium on 11th and 12th of January, 2018. Competitors from Seven BVM Global and International Schools participated in graded divisions in the range of different track-n- field events.  134 students from these seven schools participated in a number of challenging skills and innovative athletic events. The groups and individuals rotated through all the events. This format provided the participating students with performance opportunities in activities that have been part of the physical education program.  Each event had a scoring system based on individual and group performance. With this format students had the opportunity to perform under competition conditions and improved on performances from physical education lessons.

The over all championship was bagged by BVMGlobal@Bollineni Hill Side School from Chennai. Trichy was lucky enough to stand fourth in the overall events and third in Hockey.The Chief Guests of the Day Dr.Sivakumar of Vijaylakshmi Eye Hospital for Inaugural Function; and Mr.Puniyamoorthy District Sports Officer, Trichy for Valedictory Function graced the occasion with their benevolent words of insight on Sports and Education.Conducting Inter BVM Sports Carnival every year has been a successful variation.

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