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Mock UNO – 26th February, 2018

Everything was according to protocol: the delegates professional and their concerns, significant. They were in their best attire and conducting themselves like seasoned delegates.

A one day Model United Nations General Assemblyfor Grade 8 studentswith the student delegates voicing their concernsand resolutionswith adequate support was held on 26th February, 2018

Mock or Model United Nations (MUN) is a popular event among students in Educational Institutions. To offer such involvement to our students,since two years we have been  holding  this Model United Nations General Assembly in our School. This year too Students played roles of foreign diplomats and participated in a simulated session to develop solutions to world problems. It was aimed at training students in civics, effective communication, globalisation and multilateral diplomacy.

Concerns such as peace, human rights and environmental issues were discussed during the event.

Troubling issues like war and unrest in Syria was a matter of great concern too.

Discoursing on their preparations, the event broadened thestudents’ perspective and offered a great learning experience. Thanks to the Social Studies Department.

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