News & Events

The Annual General Body Meeting -2017-18

The Annual General Body Meeting -2017-18 on 24th February,2018

The Annual General Body Meeting is held to fortify the bond among the Parents, Teachers, Students and the Management. The AGM for the Academic Year 2017-18 was held on 24th February, 2018. The Day began with the games for the parents and teachers.The refreshments and the Official Program continued for the Day.

It was the Day; for the Parents and by the Parents. One of the Parents came forward to compere the events. Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and the President presided over the meeting. The Principal addressed the Parents queries. Parent Class Representatives have been elected for the forthcoming Academic Year 2018-19.

Twenty Three Students who were able to make place in the Distinguished Performance and Creditable Performance in ASSETS were honoured during the gathering.

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