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The greatest Greek Philosopher Socrates said, "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new" – true to this saying, we invested the powers of various responsibilities to the inimitable young teens in a ceremony held at our school premises on the 24th of June,2016. Mrs.V. Kalaivani, Co-ordinator, welcomed the gathering.

Elections were held on the 20th of June to elect the student representatives for the upcoming academic year. The Audience Response System (ARS) technology was used to ensure a free and fair conduct of these elections. Students from classes 6 – 11 exercised their franchise.

Master Abishek S., Ms. Ananya SR., Ms. Nivveditha G. were sworn-in as the Head boy, Head girl and Sports Secretary respectively. The following members were elected the house captains and vice-captains of the Ganga, Godavari, Kaveri and Yamuna houses respectively: Master Jagannivas(XI), Master I.Shreyas (XI), Ms. V. Amirthavarshini(XI), and Ms. S. Sukeerthi(XI) were elected captains and Ms. S.A. Jeevasneka(X), Master R. Madhav(X), Master M. Navaneeth(X) and Master P. Maheshwaran(X) as vice-captains of the above mentioned houses. Our Principal, Shri. N.Madhusudan, followed by some of our senior teachers honoured the new leaders with a sash and a badge and felicitated the individual office-bearers.

The various clubs that form part of the co-curricular activities of our school were also introduced by the teacher representatives of the respective departments. The programme ended with a vote of thanks by our senior science teacher Mrs. S. Renuka. Hope these dynamic scholars tread through 'the roads not taken' and make use of the enticing opportunities provided in our school to explore the vast realms of a 'brave new world'.

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