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National Talent Search Examinations NTSE

Nowadays, there are a variety of national level and state level toughest entrance exams in India for taking admission to different fields like management, medical, engineering, law, finance & accounts, hospitality, arts & design, government services, information and technology etc. To prune and update our students for the future we insist and inspire our students to take up the educational examinations. Two students – Vishnu Gopi of 7B and Amritha S of 8B had cleared the entrance tests conducted by Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan, and looking forward to take part in the State Level Examinations. Our Best Wishes are with them! Similar is the ASSET (Assessment of Scholastic Skills through Educational Testing) conducted by Educational Initiative, Ahmedabad. The students have shown a significant improvements in the reasoning, analytical, logical, comprehensive and communicational skills. We congratulate the students who are ever ready to take these sorts of analyses offered to them!

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