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Students Exchange Program to Chennai

Students Exchange Program to Bollineni Hillside (February-2017)

One of the primary reasons of the students exchange programs of BVM Groups of Schools is for the learning opportunities they provide. These students also become acceptant of alternative ways to learn and to analyze the things around them in a constructive manner and learn how to solve problems on their own. Students who participate in the exchange programs also benefit on a personal level. By having the opportunity to discover themselves in a place that is unfamiliar to them, students develop self-awareness and self-esteem in a manner that cannot be duplicated. Our students learn the ability to confront social and emotional challenges outside of their comfort zones and deal with problems head-on. Also, exchange students learn to live in with their host families’ households, and this increases the value they place on home and family life.


Four students from class 6 grabbed this opportunity for the Year 2016-17 at BVM, Trichy. Mohanraj, Mahathi, Nikilan Sabapathy and Sabireen were truly enthusiastic and enlightened while sharing their students exchange program experience at the School Assembly on their return. We hope and look forward for more and more students to get exposed to such exposures fully funded by the School. 

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