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Singapore Visit

Singapore Visit

Future Sake-Stage 1 : Environmental Review

Environmental issues are a great way to study the impact of human life on the milieu, and thus it is important for students to begin by understanding the basic concepts of population, limited resources and sustainable development in order to make any inference of the data they collate.

Two students from class 7 :Aaditya .K and Abisarran. V visited Singapore between 15th and 21st February, 2017 as part of the students exchange programme. The team comprised of two Principals and fourteen students of BVM Group of Schools came back with the numerous enrichments under the theme of Environs and Environmental Issues.

As a visiting student to other nation, their enthusiastic interpretations on the visit had motivated and enriched the spirit of studentship. Their recreational learning and visits to Land Transport Authority, Fort Selon, Waste Management and Water Transport Units were much rewarding in their learnings. The School looks forward and inspires the willing and competent students for such programmes in future.



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