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Swami Omkarananda – 18th April, 2018

Swami Omkarananda – 18th April, 2018

Today, most people in the world, especially young people, have developed a certain aversion towards spirituality because spirituality has been presented in such an obnoxious way. His holiness Sri Swami Omkarananda had graced the School with his presence and words of wisdom on the occasion of Akshaya-Tritiyae on 18thApril, 2018 in the presence of ShriRamana Prasad, BVM Global Group of Schools, Trustee. The Trustee and the Principal had also reveredthe Swamiji with thesymbolic offerings of Garland and Fruit Bowl respectively. The accompanying Disciples were honoured with significant mementoes as well.

Swamiji had awestruck the devotees, disciples and parents gathered with the Spiritual Conversation based on “Real Human Connections – Come, Discover yourself”, along with Thirukkurals, Shlokas and Sayings from Puranas. Swami shared about one of his main objectives to spread the knowledge of Thirukural in every Tamil speaking family across the globe through WhatsApp and other Social Media too. His homily insisted the addressees on giving importance to the eternal soul than to the carnal body. The Prasadam were distributed at the end of the sermon by Swamiji and his disciples.


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