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Sports and Games

Sports and Games

Games and sports are integral in student’s life. A student should study to be successful in competitive examinations, but, he should also play games and sports to enjoy the health and heartiness of life. There are many benefits of games and sports in education, keeping these advantages in mind every year there is something new introduced into the field of sports and games for students at BVM Global @Trichy. This year it is with regard to Cricket.


The Trustee of BVM Global Group of Schools, Mr. Ramana Prasad visited the School on 15th July, 2017 for the inauguration of cricket-pitch. The visit continued with a formal talk with the students on “Beyond the Horizon”. The topics highlighted were about IT Tsunami – a future filled with technological changes. Students felt elevated to have fore seen their future in the world of Information and Technology. And have a clear idea of how the World will be for them when they have grown up. Students were filled with awe when the Trustee unfolded the facts and information on Artificial Intelligence and Digital Revolution. His invitation to the young minds to be Digital Waves not Digital Slaves has enlightened them for sure. 

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