News & Events

Global Astronomy Month – GAM

Global Astronomy Month – GAM

Global Astronomy month is organised each April by Astronomers without borders and is the world’s largest Annual Celebration of Astronomy.

With the objectives of creating an awareness among our students about Astronomy, its various fields, wonders of the Universe, Celestial Bodies, ways to view them, their distances from each other; and a little more than the Text Book in order to ignite the mind with wonders that stay around where we live - the Department of Science - celebrated GAM on 11th April 2019 for classes 1 to 8.

The celebration started with a PPT Show “An Interview with Sun” where two of our Primary Students enacted the roles of the Sun and the Interviewer. The Primary and Middle School students enjoyed their morning session with the audio-visual shows, which was a journey out into the Sky.

Taking further the celebration, the Drawing and Poetry recitation competitions were held in the last hour of the day. The Primary Kids explored a new world of imagination and discovered the sky in their papers with their little fingers. The Secondary Students showcased their passion towards Astronomy with colours and brushes. The students were not only given a chance to express in colours but also in words in the form of poetry.

The students participation and contribution was highly pleasing and deeply edifying.

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