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PTM for classes III, IV, V, IX to XII

PTM for classes III, IV, V, IX to XII 

Parent Teacher Meets are held in every school to build up and bring in the holistic development of the child. We were glad to meet the Parents of classes 3, 4, 5 and 9 to 12 in the month of July. The Meet has certainly helped both Parents and Teachers in understanding their wards in a complete manner which will certainly help both in scaffolding the progress of the students. The inputs and feedbacks from the Parents side will certainly help the institution to stride ahead towards the perfection and precedence.


It was an honest and open discussion, where both parent and teacher voiced their opinions regarding the challenges and chances that both come across in the bringing up of the child; and parents asked many relevant questions concerning the educational plan and syllabus of the school along with the students' performance. 

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